Sunday, August 29, 2010

The influence of a loving soul

"Blessed is the influence of one true, loving soul on another."   George Elliott

We never know the influence we have on another.  This is the very reason we must keep a loving spirit and a positive demeanor at all times.  It is impossible to know the outreaching effects of words said in a loving way to others.  The encouragement we can offer may mean the difference between success and failure in their lives.

Sometimes it may be a smile or reassurance from us, other times it may be words or deeds of encouragement.

We have all known people who walk into a room and you can just feel the positive vibration.  You want to get close to those people and you want to stay close.  Their very souls seem to reach out and touch you in a loving way.  When they talk to you it makes you feel good about yourself.  You want to emulate them, be more like them.  You feel love and peace in their presence.   

Sometimes just one encounter can change a life if it comes at the right time and place.

Learn to develop a loving, caring heart and spread it around to everyone you meet.


I will encourage every one with my true and loving soul.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Just keep trying

"The only time you can't afford to fail is the last time you try."  Charles Kettering

Did you ever have a time when everything you tried to do resulted in failure?  We have all had this experience.

Then suddenly our luck changed and we seemed to be on a winning streak.  Our attitude changed and our minds opened up to new ways of doing it better.

All the tried and true methods were failing us before but now when we add a new element to the situation we discover moderate gains.  When we feel good and inspired by the gain then we strive for higher and higher achievements.

This scientific mindset will keep us trying until we get it right.  We add new elements or take away old elements and rework the situation until we finally are successful.

We must never give up.  As most scientists know success may be just one experiment away.  Life is the same way.  Look at situations or events in a different way and the solution will eventually be found.


I will readjust my thinking and keep a positive attitude and wait patiently for my results, which may be just around the corner waiting for me.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Do it instead of talking about it

"Well done is better than well said".  Benjamin Franklin

We are given certain tools or abilities when we come into this world.  Yet so many people deny their abilities when they have great potential.  They talk a good game but fail to perform.  Many times it is because of loss of self-esteem or desire.  Sometimes it is because of ridicule from a friend or family member.  They accept this ridicule as being true.

Someone says you cannot do this or that because you do not have the talent, skill or knowledge and so you do not try.  Instead you talk about how you could do it.

Take some time to learn what it is that you want to do, then set about to do it.  Keep doing it until you are error free, then display it to the world. Then it becomes a well-done experience and not a piece of conversation.

While you are perfecting this experience feel the positive energy of the universe guiding you and helping you.  The energy is there and all you have to do is ask for it.

Positive energy is all around us, all of the time just waiting to be called upon.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath and let it out slowly and feel the positive energy, then use it.


Let the positive energy in and take the action needed to do it instead of talk about it.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wisdom is an organized life

"Science is organized knowledge.  Wisdom is organized life."  Immanuel Kant

You can learn and organize knowledge in science but you must have wisdom to organize your life.  We only obtain the wisdom from life by experience.  We know not to touch something hot for it will burn us.  We know certain relationships are bad for us so we avoid them or terminate them.  We try to organize our life for minimum exposure to harmful things while maximizing our pleasurable experiences.

We try to declutter our house, office and automobile and try to declutter our minds.  We do all of this because we know we function better when things and thoughts are organized.  Our lives become organized and we are wiser for knowing what to retain and what to let go of.  By learning this we learn wisdom in thoughts, words, and actions.  We learn the wisdom of wise choices by the experience of what works for us and what does not work for us.  We become wise each and every time we make a decision.  We test our hypothesis and try it.  If it works for us we keep it as a guideline.  If it doesn't we try not to do it again.

Gradually we have learned organized wisdom and organized wisdom is an organized life.  We can think clearly and distinctly and life does not become a cluttered, non-thinking way of living.

We no longer feel the negative energy; instead we feel the positive energy and feel vibrantly alive waiting for more positive opportunities in our lives.


Today I will organize my positive thoughts and store them as wisdom learned so that I have them for now and future use.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Be grateful for what you had

“Don’t cry because it's over, smile because it happened".  Dr Seuss

When an event or happening or relationship ends, we are sad and sometimes cry because we feel something was taken away from us and we feel a loss.  We feel that things will never be the same and we think that we will never recover from our loss.

We fail to smile at the good things this event or happening or relationship brought us.  We tend to omit the happiness or joy we received from it.  We must look back at the happiness and joy and treasure it in our memory banks.  No one can take away our memories so be glad you had the experience and gain from what you have learned.  Let go of the past and concentrate on the future while still retaining your pleasant memories.  Time does heal our wounds and we tend to remember positive things with warm positive feelings.

Sadness brings it's own negative feelings of loss and sorrow.  A smile of a remembered past will create positive feelings and positive energy.

Be happy if you have experienced a happy event, happening or relationship.  At least you had the joy and pleasure.  Hold on to that thought and let it live within your heart, soul and memory.


All things change.  Look forward to similar experiences of a positive nature and create positive energy along the way.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Let go of the past

" When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us."  Alexander Graham Bell

We have all had negative things happen to us.  We cannot allow ourselves to develop a victim mentality.  We cannot change the past.  It is over and done.  We can change the future.  We must let go of the past and all of the negative energy associated with it.  Everytime we think of a negative event we must substitute a phrase such as  "It is over and I will not feed this negative energy.  I want more positive things in my life now."  Negative energy cannot exist in a mind filled with positive thoughts, words and actions.

Feel the positive energy.  Take a deep breathe and let it out slowly and feel your solar plexus start to relax.  Tell yourself that there is no need to relive any bad experiences.  They are over and gone and cannot affect you any more.  Feel a bright future with so many positive choices for you to make.  Feel contentment in your soul.  Let the positive energy in and allow it to flow freely in your body and in your mind.  Feel the doors to your future opening and have confidence in the right choices you will make because you are operating within this positive energy.

Keep forever in your mind the positive thoughts and energy and do not allow any other thought or energy in your mind.  Hold strong and steady to this positive thought and energy and put it into action in your daily life.


I only have room in my life for positive thoughts, words and actions.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Dare to dream

"I like dreams of the future better than history of the past."  Thomas Jefferson

Is there a hidden dream somewhere in your subconscious mind?  Do you often think of it but quickly dismiss it?  Does it reoccur?  If so, then perhaps the spiritual energy around you is trying to guide you down a path less traveled for a reason.

Many inventions, theatrical plays, books, songs, mathematical formulas, and scientific breakthroughs have started with a dream.  The dream kept prodding, pushing and reminding until the recipient gave it attention, thought and creativity.

Do you have such a dream?  Bring it out into the open and examine all ways that this dream could become a reality.  Make a list.  On the one side of the paper write down how you could realize this dream.  On the other side of this paper list why this dream could not become a reality.  Now take the negative side and counter each objection with a positive statement or a way to circumvent the objection.  Do this many times until you find a successful solution.  You are allowing positive energy to solve a problem.

The more that you do this the better you become at it.  Eventually there will be no roadblocks.  It will be a list of possibilities instead.

How do you know what you are capable of unless you try?


I will dream my dream and convert it into reality.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

We are all part of each other

"The God in me salutes the God in you."  Madame Cleo

I have always believed that we are all spiritually connected to each other, that we are all part of a universal mind or spirit.  We are parts of a whole.

This theory would explain why certain people show up in your life when you need them and why certain events happen to coincide with each other to form a pattern.

It is like a giant puzzle and every one has a piece of it and you wait for other people to put their piece in place so you can fit your piece in also. Then it comes together beautifully as it was meant to be.

All of us have had a strange turn of events where the outcome was so favorable that we felt that it had to be something more than luck.

Many of us have met our best friends or mates in this manner.   It is like a part of us is in an impromptu play and the play carries itself to greater and greater heights and takes on a life of its own, following the direction of many people with a wide range of ideas, experience and creativity. Yet through it all is a connection to each other and the play becomes a phenomenal success.

So is life.  Understand that we are all connected and for that reason we should allow that connection to flourish.

Consider everyone that you meet to be a part of you and behave in a way that enhances that connection.


I will love everyone as myself for in fact they are a part of me.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Experience the mysterious

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.  It is the source of all true art and all science.  He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."   Albert Einstein

Do not close your eyes to mysterious things.  Remain open and positive.  All of us have had experiences in life for which we could not give a rational explanation.  Many of us close our eyes and pretend that nothing happened.  Many of us have had something mysterious happen and rather than tell someone, we bury it in the back of our minds for fear of ridicule from our family and friends.

Bring out the experience and examine it.  Feel the awe and wonder of it.  Then know that you are special and in touch with the energies of the universe.

Perhaps you may have seen or felt the presence of a dear departed relative, friend or pet.  Perhaps you have been warned of a danger in time to avert it.  Maybe you saw a vision or had a dream that came true or a glimpse of the future, which came to pass.

Open up your minds and allow the spiritual energy to flow through you and around you and be grateful for the gift you have been given.


I will open my mind and welcome mysterious events or happenings and will cherish the spiritual energy within.