Sunday, August 15, 2010

Be grateful for what you had

“Don’t cry because it's over, smile because it happened".  Dr Seuss

When an event or happening or relationship ends, we are sad and sometimes cry because we feel something was taken away from us and we feel a loss.  We feel that things will never be the same and we think that we will never recover from our loss.

We fail to smile at the good things this event or happening or relationship brought us.  We tend to omit the happiness or joy we received from it.  We must look back at the happiness and joy and treasure it in our memory banks.  No one can take away our memories so be glad you had the experience and gain from what you have learned.  Let go of the past and concentrate on the future while still retaining your pleasant memories.  Time does heal our wounds and we tend to remember positive things with warm positive feelings.

Sadness brings it's own negative feelings of loss and sorrow.  A smile of a remembered past will create positive feelings and positive energy.

Be happy if you have experienced a happy event, happening or relationship.  At least you had the joy and pleasure.  Hold on to that thought and let it live within your heart, soul and memory.


All things change.  Look forward to similar experiences of a positive nature and create positive energy along the way.

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