Wednesday, August 4, 2010

We are all part of each other

"The God in me salutes the God in you."  Madame Cleo

I have always believed that we are all spiritually connected to each other, that we are all part of a universal mind or spirit.  We are parts of a whole.

This theory would explain why certain people show up in your life when you need them and why certain events happen to coincide with each other to form a pattern.

It is like a giant puzzle and every one has a piece of it and you wait for other people to put their piece in place so you can fit your piece in also. Then it comes together beautifully as it was meant to be.

All of us have had a strange turn of events where the outcome was so favorable that we felt that it had to be something more than luck.

Many of us have met our best friends or mates in this manner.   It is like a part of us is in an impromptu play and the play carries itself to greater and greater heights and takes on a life of its own, following the direction of many people with a wide range of ideas, experience and creativity. Yet through it all is a connection to each other and the play becomes a phenomenal success.

So is life.  Understand that we are all connected and for that reason we should allow that connection to flourish.

Consider everyone that you meet to be a part of you and behave in a way that enhances that connection.


I will love everyone as myself for in fact they are a part of me.

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