Sunday, August 29, 2010

The influence of a loving soul

"Blessed is the influence of one true, loving soul on another."   George Elliott

We never know the influence we have on another.  This is the very reason we must keep a loving spirit and a positive demeanor at all times.  It is impossible to know the outreaching effects of words said in a loving way to others.  The encouragement we can offer may mean the difference between success and failure in their lives.

Sometimes it may be a smile or reassurance from us, other times it may be words or deeds of encouragement.

We have all known people who walk into a room and you can just feel the positive vibration.  You want to get close to those people and you want to stay close.  Their very souls seem to reach out and touch you in a loving way.  When they talk to you it makes you feel good about yourself.  You want to emulate them, be more like them.  You feel love and peace in their presence.   

Sometimes just one encounter can change a life if it comes at the right time and place.

Learn to develop a loving, caring heart and spread it around to everyone you meet.


I will encourage every one with my true and loving soul.

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