Sunday, August 22, 2010

Do it instead of talking about it

"Well done is better than well said".  Benjamin Franklin

We are given certain tools or abilities when we come into this world.  Yet so many people deny their abilities when they have great potential.  They talk a good game but fail to perform.  Many times it is because of loss of self-esteem or desire.  Sometimes it is because of ridicule from a friend or family member.  They accept this ridicule as being true.

Someone says you cannot do this or that because you do not have the talent, skill or knowledge and so you do not try.  Instead you talk about how you could do it.

Take some time to learn what it is that you want to do, then set about to do it.  Keep doing it until you are error free, then display it to the world. Then it becomes a well-done experience and not a piece of conversation.

While you are perfecting this experience feel the positive energy of the universe guiding you and helping you.  The energy is there and all you have to do is ask for it.

Positive energy is all around us, all of the time just waiting to be called upon.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath and let it out slowly and feel the positive energy, then use it.


Let the positive energy in and take the action needed to do it instead of talk about it.

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