Sunday, August 8, 2010

Dare to dream

"I like dreams of the future better than history of the past."  Thomas Jefferson

Is there a hidden dream somewhere in your subconscious mind?  Do you often think of it but quickly dismiss it?  Does it reoccur?  If so, then perhaps the spiritual energy around you is trying to guide you down a path less traveled for a reason.

Many inventions, theatrical plays, books, songs, mathematical formulas, and scientific breakthroughs have started with a dream.  The dream kept prodding, pushing and reminding until the recipient gave it attention, thought and creativity.

Do you have such a dream?  Bring it out into the open and examine all ways that this dream could become a reality.  Make a list.  On the one side of the paper write down how you could realize this dream.  On the other side of this paper list why this dream could not become a reality.  Now take the negative side and counter each objection with a positive statement or a way to circumvent the objection.  Do this many times until you find a successful solution.  You are allowing positive energy to solve a problem.

The more that you do this the better you become at it.  Eventually there will be no roadblocks.  It will be a list of possibilities instead.

How do you know what you are capable of unless you try?


I will dream my dream and convert it into reality.

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