Sunday, October 3, 2010

Be kind and spread it around

"Wherever there is an human being there is an opportunity for kindness". --- Seneca

Whenever you meet someone, even a stranger, show a little kindness.  Whether it be opening the door for a woman carrying a baby or smiling warmly at an old man limping with a cane.  Do something small and work up to larger things.  We live in a cold, uncaring, busy, impatient world where the lack of empathy seems to be the norm.

We have an opportunity to change a small part of this world simply by being kind to all we meet.

Science has proven that when we are kind to someone, not only do we excrete a hormone that makes us feel better but so does the recipient of our kindness and also the observers of our act.  You not only make yourself feel good but the recipient and the observers also feel good at the same time.

All this from one act of kindness.  Think of the magnitude of good feelings if everyone did this.  It is hard to be unhappy when you feel good about your actions and their effects on others.  One small act of kindness to another person can change many lives.

Every day you should make it a part of your daily life to do one act of kindness and increase the number of acts every day.  Try it and see what a difference it makes.


I will do an act of kindness every day and increase the number of acts daily.

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