Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Make an opportunity today

"A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds."---Sir Francis Bacon

What if you feel that your opportunities do not exist?   Create them yourself.  Life does not usually hand you opportunities.  You have to seek them out. They are little gems hidden in rocks.  First you catch a glimmer of them and then you have to dig them out.  You may have been given the opportunity of seeing the glimmer but it is you who must go out with a pick and shovel and dig them out.  This is usually the way of life.

A lazy person ignores the glimmer, then he does not have to dig or work at it.  An opportunist sees the glimmer, puts in the work and discovers a valuable gem beneath that small glimmer.

Small things almost unnoticed can result in big opportunities.

Pay attention to the possibilities in your life.  Keep your eyes and ears open but most importantly keep your mind open for opportunities.

Let your creativity flow and be willing to put work behind your creativity so you can create your own opportunities.

The opportunities are there just open your mind to them.  Do not think a small opportunity needs to remain small.  It is yours to expand and make your own.


Today I will make an opportunity and expand it.

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