Sunday, September 5, 2010

The universe said no

"Sometimes we have to experience loss in order to gain".  Madame Cleo

Sometimes we want something and it seems so perfect for us.  Then suddenly situations or events change and we do not get what we want.  Yet we came so close to having something that we always wanted. And in the blink of an eye it is lost to us forever.

The bitter disappointment seems unbearable to us for a little while.  We rant and rave at the universe.  We wanted it so much and it was so perfect for us and it was exactly what we wanted and needed and now it is gone and our loss is keenly felt.

It is during this time that we just forge ahead and trust that we are a child of the universe and what we lost was not meant to be.

We take a deep breath and let it out slowly and take stock of the situation.  We place our trust in that positive energy force that is all around us and we smile and wait for something good to happen.

Usually within a short period of time we understand why we did not get what we wanted.  Something better comes along and we feel fortunate that things worked out as they did.

We remember from past experience that things always work out for us as long as we keep positive thoughts and energy in our mind, body and soul.


Allow our disappointments a place in our life but do not dwell on them.  Keep a positive outlook and wait for something better to happen.

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