Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Our purpose in life

"Life without purpose is a languid, drifting thing, every day we ought to review our purpose, saying to ourselves, "This day let me make a sound beginning".
--Thomas Kempis

Each of us gets up in the morning and wonders what we need to do with our day.

Some of us seem to have no purpose in life.  We watch endless, mindless television and sit around the house with no purpose in life.  When bedtime drags around we go to bed and awake to the same non-existence the next day.

No wonder depression is so prevalent in our society.  We have no purpose in our lives.  When our feet hit the floor in the morning, there is nothing to say to us here is my purpose in life.  Or here is my deed for today.  We have no plan for this purpose and everything seems like a great effort to do, so we sit mindlessly in our chair or on our couch dreading the long day ahead.

This need not be.  Today formulate a plan or purpose and work toward it.  Discover a reason for living.  Usually doing for others gives a soul a satisfying feeling.

What can you imagine that you would like to do?  Think about it.  When you discover it then start each day with a plan to help you achieve your purpose.

At night when you go to bed review with satisfaction what you have done and vow that tomorrow you will do even more.

Notice the bounce in your step and your sense of well being and sense of accomplishment.  You have now discovered the meaning of life --a purpose driven life always gives the energy to live life to the fullest.  Living life to the fullest is the greatest gift to ourself.


Today I will find a purpose for my life and will plan, prepare and do what I need to do to achieve it.

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