Thursday, October 21, 2010

Do the thing you think you cannot do

"You gain strength, and courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.  You must do the thing which you think you cannot do."--Eleanor Roosevelt

All of us feel that we cannot do certain things in our lives.  We are afraid to try.

What we do not know is that we gain strength, courage and confidence every time we try something we feel we cannot do.

When we succeed, we become stronger and more courageous and confident.  We then file these feelings away in our memory banks and use it the next time this type of situation presents itself.

This behavior develops a mindset of its own until it is habitual.  Some people even seem to get an adrenaline rush when new challenges present themselves, almost eager in their sense of "I can do it" attitude.

All you have to do is tell yourself that you must do the thing that you think you cannot do.  Do not allow yourself to take no for an answer.  Instead just start doing it.  Do not analyze it or think about it.  Once you start doing it you change the anatomy of the thing.  The energy of it changes.  Your energy changes.

Positive energy is the key to all success but for this positive energy to take effect you have to make the first move.


Energy creates energy and I will open the doors of my mind by taking positive action to help guide me through every experience.

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