Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Make an opportunity today

"A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds."---Sir Francis Bacon

What if you feel that your opportunities do not exist?   Create them yourself.  Life does not usually hand you opportunities.  You have to seek them out. They are little gems hidden in rocks.  First you catch a glimmer of them and then you have to dig them out.  You may have been given the opportunity of seeing the glimmer but it is you who must go out with a pick and shovel and dig them out.  This is usually the way of life.

A lazy person ignores the glimmer, then he does not have to dig or work at it.  An opportunist sees the glimmer, puts in the work and discovers a valuable gem beneath that small glimmer.

Small things almost unnoticed can result in big opportunities.

Pay attention to the possibilities in your life.  Keep your eyes and ears open but most importantly keep your mind open for opportunities.

Let your creativity flow and be willing to put work behind your creativity so you can create your own opportunities.

The opportunities are there just open your mind to them.  Do not think a small opportunity needs to remain small.  It is yours to expand and make your own.


Today I will make an opportunity and expand it.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Life happens

"Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans."  ---John Lennon

So many times while our plans are being formulated, life steps in and changes them.  Something happens in our life to make us stop and take another direction.

Later we discover that the direction we had to take led us to success and what we were destined to do.  The right career or pathway opened up for us and we were on our way.

Sometimes the events are spectacular and at other times just barely noticeable.  The ones that are just barely noticeable are usually the ones we follow, because we are creatures of habit and resist change.  Our life is still altered when even the smallest change occurs.

When we make plans we usually do not have a contingency plan.  We do not like surprises that life can hand us.  Life sneaks up on us and what we have planned for does not happen and we are forced to make drastic changes sometimes.

It is this process of living, getting surprised when life has the twists and turns, that forces us to sit back and review our plans, then make new ones.


Life does not correspond to the plans we make but rather to what we need to do in life.  The grand plan of our lives has been drawn before we ever knew about it.   We just have to find it.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Choose wisely

"It is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."  J.K.Rowling

Every choice you make in life has a consequence.  Whether good or bad, every action has a reaction.

We can make tons of money and still make wrong choices in our personal lives, which tears us apart and causes us to lose our material goods.  Even the most talented people make wrong choices.

Most of us know or have some doubt when we are about to make a wrong choice.  We ignore that little voice within that says do NOT do this.  Listen to it.

If we sit down and are quiet for awhile and wait for a few minutes the solution will come to us.  If this does not work for us then another way is to think about it and state our question or choice in our mind and ask our subconscious mind to solve the problem in our sleep.  Then go to sleep.  Allow our minds to process the choices.  Our minds are like big whirling computers analyzing the choices and finding the right choices, based on what we truly feel and believe and what we truly feel and believe is the sum total of who we are.  Usually when we wake up or shortly afterwards we will know the right answer for us.


When we make an important choice, we will allow our subconscious mind to contemplate and direct us, as our subconscious mind knows who we are and our abilities to make the right choice.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sowing and reaping kindness

"Sow a thought, and you reap an act, sow an act, and you reap a habit, sow a habit, and you reap a character, sow a character, and you reap a destiny."  Charles Reade

We all sow and we all reap what we sow.  When we are angry we sow disharmony and reap anger in return.  It is s easy to get into a pattern where angry or sarcastic remarks seem to be our unthinking reply to others.  One person with this mentality can upset a whole group of people and change positive actions and energy into negative actions and energy.

For a week let us try the sowing and reaping of kindness. Think kindly of others and you will sow kind thoughts and reap kind behavior.  Do this repeatedly and it becomes a habit.  Keep habitually doing it and it becomes a part of your character and can change your destiny into something even greater than you can imagine.

All the while you are forming your destiny you are spreading positive energy.  This positive energy grows greater with every kind thought, word or deed.

Lives have been changed in a very short period of time just by doing this.  Try it.


I will sow kindness and reap the same and allow it to change my destiny.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What happens within

"What happens to a man is far less significant that what happens within him."  Louis L. Mann

The results of what happens to you can be processed in many ways.  How you process these results within yourself is based upon past experiences, how you handled results like this before and how successful you were and what were the consequences of how you processed the results.

What happened to you based on the results of whatever it was, to change you?  Did it change you for better or worse and did you weigh the consequences before making the decision?

Do you allow negativity to creep in and distort your decisions?    If so, change your inner perspective and put a positive spin on whatever has happened and use it as a mental model for all other happenings.  Store it in your memory banks for future use.

All of life is trial and error.  We must not allow ourselves to dwell on it but instead move forward in a positive manner.


Whatever happens in my life I can use as a steppingstone for greater things forthcoming.

Monday, September 13, 2010

You are always on my mind and in my heart

"The unconditional love our pets give us instills in us the courage us to go on when life is at its lowest point".  Madame Cleo

When life seems a meaningless hassle and things are not going right for us, our pets sense it and snuggle close to us.  When we are sick or not feeling well, our pets lick us in an attempt to heal and nuture us.

The positive energy our pets transfer to us does in fact make everything better.  We depend on them, they do not criticize us, and their love is unconditional and is pure positive energy.  They love us no matter what we have done or will do in the future.

Their whole reason for living is to make us feel happy, wanted and needed.

We usually enjoy many years of this feeling before they are taken from us. When their little bodies can no longer function, they leave behind that loving, positive energy.

All living things have an energy-based existence.  Some call it soul, some call it a part of the energy of the universe. I call it divine love.  I feel it entwines around our heart and nervous system in an invisible form of energy and our pets remain a part of us in our hearts and lives forever.

We salute all of our departed pets and honor them on their birthdays.

Happy birthday to a special little dog who has since departed this earthly life.  Your birth has gladdened many hearts and your divine love and positive energy survives for now and always.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Knowledge of the soul

"Knowledge of the soul is the only universal truth and the only wisdom- all other knowledge is transient."  -- Plato

The most important knowledge that we have is the knowledge of our soul, our innermost part of us.  Acquiring this knowledge can take years because we tend to hide our flaws and shortcomings from ourselves and others.  We do not face our faults.  We do not delve deeply within that part of us that makes us unique.

We spend so much time lying to ourselves that who we really are eludes us.  We can not know our souls because we put a barrier there between real life and our innermost self.

What we really need to do is examine our feelings and how we really feel about our actions and our thoughts and our deeds.  Do we have a clear concept of right and wrong that we feel we can live with in our lives?

The soul is the conscience and is our pre- programmed guide to daily living.

What is it that you think, say or do that makes you feel whole and at peace with yourself?  What is it that you think, say or do that makes you feel a sense of discord about yourself?

Your soul is guiding you in the direction that you need to go to feel peace and harmony.  Learn how to choose the right pathway or wisdom and all the other knowledge will combine with what you feel you should be doing.


Know what makes you feel comfortable and do it.  Everything else will fall into place for you.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Try something unexpected today

"There is one meaning in life: the act of living itself. " Eric Fromm

So many times we feel that life is meaningless.  We go about our mundane daily routine bored and restless and complaining.  One day is just like all the others, but we are afraid to break the comfortable patterns we are in.  We expect nothing so therefore we receive nothing.  We try nothing new or nor do we go anywhere different, much like an old plow horse of yesteryear expecting the same daily routine.

We are not living we are existing.  Try something new today.  Break out of your rut and do something totally unexpected.  Try it for a few days.  See what other possibilities open up.

If you change a little each day and wait for other possibilities to open up, you will be amazed at what can develop over a period of time.

Expect the unexpected.  Welcome it with open arms.  Embrace it.

You have been given a glorious life.  A perfect gift.  Live it to the fullest.  Reach out and grab what is rightfully yours.  Act upon your instincts and impulses.

Mingle with people.  Share ideas and get the best out of every situation.  Feel the positive energy when you do.

Positive energy creates more positive energy.  Positive energy equates to happiness.


For today I will do something new and different.  I will change routine into chance happenings and see what happens.  I will be open and receptive and positive.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The universe said no

"Sometimes we have to experience loss in order to gain".  Madame Cleo

Sometimes we want something and it seems so perfect for us.  Then suddenly situations or events change and we do not get what we want.  Yet we came so close to having something that we always wanted. And in the blink of an eye it is lost to us forever.

The bitter disappointment seems unbearable to us for a little while.  We rant and rave at the universe.  We wanted it so much and it was so perfect for us and it was exactly what we wanted and needed and now it is gone and our loss is keenly felt.

It is during this time that we just forge ahead and trust that we are a child of the universe and what we lost was not meant to be.

We take a deep breath and let it out slowly and take stock of the situation.  We place our trust in that positive energy force that is all around us and we smile and wait for something good to happen.

Usually within a short period of time we understand why we did not get what we wanted.  Something better comes along and we feel fortunate that things worked out as they did.

We remember from past experience that things always work out for us as long as we keep positive thoughts and energy in our mind, body and soul.


Allow our disappointments a place in our life but do not dwell on them.  Keep a positive outlook and wait for something better to happen.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Spread your love

"The heart has it's own memory, like the mind, and in it are enshrined the precious keepsakes in which is wrought the giver's loving thought."  Longfellow

Always strive to feel love for the people you meet.  Send them love with your thoughts.  Let them know you care.  It may take some practice but you can learn this.

Start out with this experiment.  The first person that you meet today, look at them and into their eyes and smile and say to yourself "I am sending you love'.  Really feel this from your heart to his or her heart.  See the difference this will make in your life if you continue to practice this exercise.  Eventually you can express this by saying,” I send you love".  You may feel strange at first but the more that you do this the better you become.

Eventually it will become a wonderful habit.  You cannot give love away completely.  It always comes back to you in a stronger measure.  The more love you give away the more love you get back.

Always think loving, positive thoughts and you will receive loving, positive energy back.


I will send love to others and know it will return to me many times over.