Sunday, November 28, 2010

Up from humility to success

"The road to success leads through the valley of humility, and the path is up the ladder of patience and across the wide barren plains of perseverance.  As yet, no shortcut has been discovered."--Joseph J. Lamb

So you were experiencing humility, now experience pride.  Be patient on the ladder of success but do so with a winning spirit.  Pull away from humility, it is a deep valley, and climb the ladder of success with perseverance.  Persevere and refuse to give up.

Do not allow others to undermine or undervalue you as a person.  Just because they say it does not mean that it is true.  Feel in your heart that you are a valued person and that you are on your road to great success.

Just keep trying new things.  If one thing does not work for you then try another thing.  Keep persevering.  Keep experimenting.  Life is an experiment.  We just keep trying until we get it right.

The more we try the greater the chances we will be successful.    The more chances we take the greater the success.


I will move from the valley of humility up the ladder to success with patience and perseverance and with great determination.

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