Sunday, June 13, 2010

Join my journey to enlightenment

Motivation for success for everyone is possible. I feel that to be successful you must have motivation as well as spiritual guidance from some source.

I believe that we are spiritual beings living in a temporary human body, so I believe in reincarnation and that every reincarnation brings us closer to enlightenment.

I believe that we are energy-based beings and that the energy comes from a divine source. All of us are part of this energy and have a connection to each other through the energy called the universal mind.

I believe that all religions are equal and we are free to believe in whatever we choose and that we are still connected to each other no matter what religion we practice.

We need to practice love and forgiveness and tolerance in whatever we believe.

Spirituality is a complicated thing if you try to analyze it but a simple thing if you just let go to allow yourself to realize that we are all spiritual beings and are all part of each other.

I am not enlightened but am well on my path. Come along with me and we will enjoy the journey together.


You must learn to love yourself before you can learn to love others.


Sienna's Mom said...

I would love to hear more about energy based beings

nothing said...

Very interesting info!!